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วันเสาร์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

Flowerwhole Part Language Lives On

Flower Power Language Lives On
A would-be burglar in the United Kingdom speaks with the power of the language of flowers.
A 91 year-old woman was badly shaken when a would-be burglar invaded her home in the United Kingdom. The burglar then sent his victim a bunch of flowers, with an apology. He said he was sorry he had frightened her, but he thought the house was empty at the time. He left the woman’s house without stealing anything. Police are asking him to give himself up. What will they charge him with? Sending flowers to a would-be victim, or just for scaring an elderly woman? Flower language, however, is not new. Floriography (flower language) was commonly used in the Victorian age to send coded messages. However it originated in the medieval and Renaissance culture. Saints were painted with flowers that were symbols of the saint’s virtues. Some of the most common terms used in flower language are: daisies for innocence and blue violets for faithfulness, red roses for love, pansies for thoughtfulness, carnations for admiration, white lilies for purity, pink roses for a lesser affection, white roses for eternal love, to name just a few. However, there is a modern flower power that has stamped its mark societies across the globe. Flower Power had its most powerful uprising in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s in the counter-cultural movement of the Hippies. The Hippies, or Flower Children symbolized a movement of peaceful ideology, in the face of nations using war to solve international crises. In particular the Hippies stood against the hopeless and seemingly senseless war in Vietnam. The Flower Children were determined in their call for social change as they also stood against the cold war of nuclear threats between the superpowers. The twenty year-olds and teenagers gave flowers to policemen and bystanders. They placed flowers in the barrels of guns and revolvers, as a sign of peace, not war. They were pacifists and participated in non-violent political demonstrations. Concerning the political activity of hippies, it was said "They mostly prefer to be stoned, but most of them want peace and they want an end to war of any kind". A photograph taken for the Washington Post showed a clean cut looking teenager placing flowers in the end of policemen’s guns. This photo became an emblem of the time, along with the brightly coloured VW buses used by the Flower Children. They became known as the ‘love generation’ and embraced the sexual revolution of free love. They were also known for their liberal use of soft drugs, such as cannabis, in an effort to discover alternative states of consciousness. Their buses became the predecessors of the modern-day art cars. Many Hippies liked to hitch-hike around the world. This was their means of meeting new people and it was also economical. Their catch cry became ‘Give Peace A Chance'. The Flower Children practiced religious as well as cultural diversity, frequently embracing Eastern philosophies and spiritual concepts. They strongly opposed recognized institutions, both by their actions and their mode of dress. Unmarried couples of any age feel free to live or travel together without social stigma, only since the advent of the Hippie movement. Sexual frankness became more common, even to the rights of homosexuals, bisexual and transsexual. An increased interest in natural foods, herbal remedies and vitamin supplements are a legacy from the Hippy era. Mustaches, beards and long hair became more acceptable and bright coloured clothing more common. Their music festival Woodstock became a turning point in the acceptance of large music fests, even though there were some unfortunate occurrences, where people were killed. The festivals focused on peace, love and a balanced, though alternate lifestyle. Self-sufficiency and sustainable energy had its foundations laid in the communes of the Hippies. The Flower Power of the Hippies had a major effect on societies around the globe, influencing health foods, fashion, popular music, television, film, literature and art. It was the period that saw the beginnings of the Cyber Space revolution. Only through the advent of the Hippy culture are people able to have the freedom to say what they do on the Internet today.