Fantastic gardening flowers for spring
Below are general descriptions of spring perennials/annuals that will do well in the desert southwest. Generally you should fertilize once in the spring, summer and fall. If your plants are not blooming there could be a lack of phosphorus in your soil. Use a high phosphorus fertilizer to boost your blooms during the peak season.
Perennials for spring color Ajuga Plants - Purplish/brownish in color grown for their foliage easy to grow and propagate. Can be used as ground cover. Black Eyed Susan - Usually yellow daisy like blooms with large black center they do better in full sun. Coral Bells - Fantastic foliage color in spring and fall. Flowers bloom in late spring. Coreopsis - Beautiful yellow, red and pink blooms that will last from last spring till fall. They do not like moist soil let dry before watering again. Daylily Plants - Day lillies are easy plants to grow from deep dark red to light pink blooms. Cut down during the cold season and they will pop right up in spring Columbine - Easy to go grow perennial usually multi colored but some species are gold in color. Penstemon - Long limbs with beautiful small like petal blooms. Full sun and good drainage will work Rose of Sharon - Large purple, white, pink blooms from late spring until late fall in the southwest. Can be trimmed into a small tree. Salvia - Long spiky like blooms that shoot straight up beautiful reds, purple, violet blue and even white. Thyme Plants - Evergreen shrub with blue violet bloom all season long. Drought tolerant once established easy low maintenance plant. Yarrow - A good ground cover plant usually with yellow cloud like blooms. Some species come in red easy to propagate. Plant in full sun but can tolerate some shade. Organic gardening is an excellent way to grow your trees, shrubs, flowers, vegetables and plants. Annuals for spring color What are annual plants? They are plants that will complete their life cycle within one growing season. In other words if you plant pansies in spring they look spectacular however the mid summer heat will stress the plant. Replace pansies with another good summer annual such as Gazania's, Daisies or Geraniums. Pansies - Wide species with numerous colors. Good in containers and will survive light frost and snow. They start to droop during hot summer months. Impatients - Bright colored blooms from reds to whites. They do well in shady areas, including hot summer months. Gazania - Beautiful multi colored blooms Cosmos - Beautiful yellow, red and pink blooms that will last from last spring till fall. California Poppy - These Poppies do best in cooler temperatures. They come in yellow, white, scarlet, red, bright orange. They do well in spring and fall months. Petunia - Excellent in hanging baskets or containers they like to be watered and fertilized often. Daisy - Easy care annual usually yellow with dark middle. Plant them in full sun for good growth. Viola - These plants are actually pansies. Numerous multi colored blooms but with smaller petals. Coleus - Several species to choose from. They like shade and are grown for their foliage rather than blooms. Geraniums - Perfect for flower beds, containers, and hanging baskets. They do not like temperatures below 30% fahrenheit. Fertilize these plant at least once per month during spring thru fall season.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552
วันพุธที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552
Flowerwhole Part Delivery

Flower Delivery – Put a Smile on Someone's Face
Now sending your wishes has become better with online flower delivery. You can send flowers with or without a reason. There are good and reliable sites that give timely flower delivery. The world wide web is full of immense possibilities. And now it has even empowered us to express our emotions just the way we want to. Not just chatting, VoIP or emailing, now you can send gifts too to your loved ones any time of the year, even if you are living far away from them. And one classic example of this is online flower delivery.
Online flower delivery is ordering for flowers to get delivered to any part of the world, with the booking being done through the internet. It is a very simple and fast process. All you do is go to a reliable flower delivery site, browse through their offerings and select the bouquet that you would like to gift. And with that, you give a suitable time and date, when you want your orders to get executed. That's it!
You can send flowers with or without a reason or a celebration. You can send flowers just to say how much you miss her, or just to surprise him. You can send these flowers to any place within the region covered by the website.
When you want to say it – say it with flowers. That's the best way to say it; and also the sweetest way. Different flowers convey different meanings. Like Ivy, Wallflower and Artemesia are best representatives of friendship and trust, while on the other hand, Zinnias connote thoughts of absent friends. We all know how effective are red roses – when we need to admit our love; and how sweet friendship gets with white roses.
When sending flowers. the importance of timely delivery can not be over stressed. Therefore it is very important to have flowers getting delivered by the right source. So if you are planning to surprise your loved ones with fresh pansies or majestic lilies, be sure you have them get delivered through the right online flower delivery service.
Bethani Isabell is an expert author in the domain of various types of online gifts such as champagne gifts, flower delivery etc. She has an amazing charisma in her write-ups as she possess the capability of presenting the beautiful and 'emotional' aspect of gift items. This appeals to people from every section of the society.
Online flower delivery is ordering for flowers to get delivered to any part of the world, with the booking being done through the internet. It is a very simple and fast process. All you do is go to a reliable flower delivery site, browse through their offerings and select the bouquet that you would like to gift. And with that, you give a suitable time and date, when you want your orders to get executed. That's it!
You can send flowers with or without a reason or a celebration. You can send flowers just to say how much you miss her, or just to surprise him. You can send these flowers to any place within the region covered by the website.
When you want to say it – say it with flowers. That's the best way to say it; and also the sweetest way. Different flowers convey different meanings. Like Ivy, Wallflower and Artemesia are best representatives of friendship and trust, while on the other hand, Zinnias connote thoughts of absent friends. We all know how effective are red roses – when we need to admit our love; and how sweet friendship gets with white roses.
When sending flowers. the importance of timely delivery can not be over stressed. Therefore it is very important to have flowers getting delivered by the right source. So if you are planning to surprise your loved ones with fresh pansies or majestic lilies, be sure you have them get delivered through the right online flower delivery service.
Bethani Isabell is an expert author in the domain of various types of online gifts such as champagne gifts, flower delivery etc. She has an amazing charisma in her write-ups as she possess the capability of presenting the beautiful and 'emotional' aspect of gift items. This appeals to people from every section of the society.
วันเสาร์ที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551
Flowerwhole Part Language Lives On
Flower Power Language Lives On
A would-be burglar in the United Kingdom speaks with the power of the language of flowers.
A 91 year-old woman was badly shaken when a would-be burglar invaded her home in the United Kingdom. The burglar then sent his victim a bunch of flowers, with an apology. He said he was sorry he had frightened her, but he thought the house was empty at the time. He left the woman’s house without stealing anything. Police are asking him to give himself up. What will they charge him with? Sending flowers to a would-be victim, or just for scaring an elderly woman? Flower language, however, is not new. Floriography (flower language) was commonly used in the Victorian age to send coded messages. However it originated in the medieval and Renaissance culture. Saints were painted with flowers that were symbols of the saint’s virtues. Some of the most common terms used in flower language are: daisies for innocence and blue violets for faithfulness, red roses for love, pansies for thoughtfulness, carnations for admiration, white lilies for purity, pink roses for a lesser affection, white roses for eternal love, to name just a few. However, there is a modern flower power that has stamped its mark societies across the globe. Flower Power had its most powerful uprising in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s in the counter-cultural movement of the Hippies. The Hippies, or Flower Children symbolized a movement of peaceful ideology, in the face of nations using war to solve international crises. In particular the Hippies stood against the hopeless and seemingly senseless war in Vietnam. The Flower Children were determined in their call for social change as they also stood against the cold war of nuclear threats between the superpowers. The twenty year-olds and teenagers gave flowers to policemen and bystanders. They placed flowers in the barrels of guns and revolvers, as a sign of peace, not war. They were pacifists and participated in non-violent political demonstrations. Concerning the political activity of hippies, it was said "They mostly prefer to be stoned, but most of them want peace and they want an end to war of any kind". A photograph taken for the Washington Post showed a clean cut looking teenager placing flowers in the end of policemen’s guns. This photo became an emblem of the time, along with the brightly coloured VW buses used by the Flower Children. They became known as the ‘love generation’ and embraced the sexual revolution of free love. They were also known for their liberal use of soft drugs, such as cannabis, in an effort to discover alternative states of consciousness. Their buses became the predecessors of the modern-day art cars. Many Hippies liked to hitch-hike around the world. This was their means of meeting new people and it was also economical. Their catch cry became ‘Give Peace A Chance'. The Flower Children practiced religious as well as cultural diversity, frequently embracing Eastern philosophies and spiritual concepts. They strongly opposed recognized institutions, both by their actions and their mode of dress. Unmarried couples of any age feel free to live or travel together without social stigma, only since the advent of the Hippie movement. Sexual frankness became more common, even to the rights of homosexuals, bisexual and transsexual. An increased interest in natural foods, herbal remedies and vitamin supplements are a legacy from the Hippy era. Mustaches, beards and long hair became more acceptable and bright coloured clothing more common. Their music festival Woodstock became a turning point in the acceptance of large music fests, even though there were some unfortunate occurrences, where people were killed. The festivals focused on peace, love and a balanced, though alternate lifestyle. Self-sufficiency and sustainable energy had its foundations laid in the communes of the Hippies. The Flower Power of the Hippies had a major effect on societies around the globe, influencing health foods, fashion, popular music, television, film, literature and art. It was the period that saw the beginnings of the Cyber Space revolution. Only through the advent of the Hippy culture are people able to have the freedom to say what they do on the Internet today.
A would-be burglar in the United Kingdom speaks with the power of the language of flowers.
A 91 year-old woman was badly shaken when a would-be burglar invaded her home in the United Kingdom. The burglar then sent his victim a bunch of flowers, with an apology. He said he was sorry he had frightened her, but he thought the house was empty at the time. He left the woman’s house without stealing anything. Police are asking him to give himself up. What will they charge him with? Sending flowers to a would-be victim, or just for scaring an elderly woman? Flower language, however, is not new. Floriography (flower language) was commonly used in the Victorian age to send coded messages. However it originated in the medieval and Renaissance culture. Saints were painted with flowers that were symbols of the saint’s virtues. Some of the most common terms used in flower language are: daisies for innocence and blue violets for faithfulness, red roses for love, pansies for thoughtfulness, carnations for admiration, white lilies for purity, pink roses for a lesser affection, white roses for eternal love, to name just a few. However, there is a modern flower power that has stamped its mark societies across the globe. Flower Power had its most powerful uprising in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s in the counter-cultural movement of the Hippies. The Hippies, or Flower Children symbolized a movement of peaceful ideology, in the face of nations using war to solve international crises. In particular the Hippies stood against the hopeless and seemingly senseless war in Vietnam. The Flower Children were determined in their call for social change as they also stood against the cold war of nuclear threats between the superpowers. The twenty year-olds and teenagers gave flowers to policemen and bystanders. They placed flowers in the barrels of guns and revolvers, as a sign of peace, not war. They were pacifists and participated in non-violent political demonstrations. Concerning the political activity of hippies, it was said "They mostly prefer to be stoned, but most of them want peace and they want an end to war of any kind". A photograph taken for the Washington Post showed a clean cut looking teenager placing flowers in the end of policemen’s guns. This photo became an emblem of the time, along with the brightly coloured VW buses used by the Flower Children. They became known as the ‘love generation’ and embraced the sexual revolution of free love. They were also known for their liberal use of soft drugs, such as cannabis, in an effort to discover alternative states of consciousness. Their buses became the predecessors of the modern-day art cars. Many Hippies liked to hitch-hike around the world. This was their means of meeting new people and it was also economical. Their catch cry became ‘Give Peace A Chance'. The Flower Children practiced religious as well as cultural diversity, frequently embracing Eastern philosophies and spiritual concepts. They strongly opposed recognized institutions, both by their actions and their mode of dress. Unmarried couples of any age feel free to live or travel together without social stigma, only since the advent of the Hippie movement. Sexual frankness became more common, even to the rights of homosexuals, bisexual and transsexual. An increased interest in natural foods, herbal remedies and vitamin supplements are a legacy from the Hippy era. Mustaches, beards and long hair became more acceptable and bright coloured clothing more common. Their music festival Woodstock became a turning point in the acceptance of large music fests, even though there were some unfortunate occurrences, where people were killed. The festivals focused on peace, love and a balanced, though alternate lifestyle. Self-sufficiency and sustainable energy had its foundations laid in the communes of the Hippies. The Flower Power of the Hippies had a major effect on societies around the globe, influencing health foods, fashion, popular music, television, film, literature and art. It was the period that saw the beginnings of the Cyber Space revolution. Only through the advent of the Hippy culture are people able to have the freedom to say what they do on the Internet today.
วันเสาร์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551
Flowerwhole Part Taking Care

Taking Care of Gerbera Daisies
Gerbera daisies are pretty flowers that can turn our garden into a visual delight! Read all about taking care of gerbera daisies.
Beautiful flowers can create a great atmosphere at any given occasions! Gerbera daisies are known for their bright, vibrant shades that can bring a smile across a face! These large daisies are amongst popular Flowers used for Flower arrangements and also make a great romantic gift idea! Their large flower heads are quite similar to sunflowers. The varied shades of bright yellows, gorgeous reds, lovely pinks and pristine whites are the most planted in many flower gardens. A strange fact about this beautiful flower is that sometimes, the petals of one particular flower can be in different shades. Growing these beautiful flowers in the garden will surely create a happy environment. However, you need to know some important points about taking care of gerbera daisies. We can take a look at the some tips and tricks related with the same. Taking Care of Gerbera Daisies: As is the case with many plants, gerbera daisies should be planted in well-drained soil. Avoid keeping the soil wet and squelchy at all times. One should water early on in the day so that the soil dries slightly during the day. A good drainage for the soil will help in proper growth of the plant. Gerbera daisies need partial to full sunlight. If in a pot, you can keep it by the sunny window side. The seeds can be planted around 10 weeks before the last frost. While planting, ensure you keep end of the seed pointed downwards. This is the time when the seeds need maximum light to germinate. You can plant them in pots and keep them indoors during the frost. Once the weather turns a little warm, the pots can be moved in the outdoors. When grown in the outdoors, gerbera daisies would need ample amount of water and regular fertilizers for the soil. This plant thrives well in cool temperatures however, if the temperature becomes too warm, you might not witness the beautiful blooms of the gerbera daisies. In case someone has gifted you a beautiful bouquet of gerbera flowers or you wish to keep some in a vase at home, ensure you choose a clean vase for it. Then, add some cool water to this. You need to trim the long stem as per the height of the vase. The stem should also be trimmed in a particular manner. Firstly, it should be cut underwater and another important point to note here is that it should be done at an angle of 45 degrees. Change the water everyday and also cut the stems again. To keep these gerbera flowers in full bloom for a longer period, add a teaspoon of sugar to the water. Also add 2 drops of liquid bleach for a gallon of water. When in a vase, the flowers should be kept in the cooler portion of the room. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight. Keep it away from areas that receive strong gusts of wind or objects that produce a lot of heat. With beautiful gerbera daisies all around, one is bound to feel fresh and happy at all times! Which is why, a pretty bouquet of gerbera daisies is an ideal gift for our loved ones!
วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551
Flowerwhole Part How to Choose
How to Choose a Flower Girl Dress
When selecting a flower girl dress for your wedding, there are many things to consider - the age and height of the flower girl, wedding colors, dress length, dress style, and so forth. The first step is to know what styles of flower girl dresses are available.
First one should know the roles for “Flower Girls”. There are really three distinct roles for little flower girls in a wedding. Flower Girl – a child attendant wearing a child-like dress in either Tea or Formal length who usually carries either a basket of petals to strew on the aisle or path announcing the arrival of the Bride. Miniature / Jr. Bride – a child dressed like a bride.
This role comes from medieval times as a decoy to lure evil spirits away from the Bride to avoid a curse on the marriage. She may wear a miniaturized version of the Bride’s gown or a edding-style gown complete with train and flowing headpiece. She carries a bouquet. Jr. Brides Maid – older girls certainly prefer this designation. The young ladies are usually dressed to coordinate more with the Brides Maids rather than in a full, fluffy little girl’s dress.
Types of dress: Selecting the right flower girl dress and accessories is an exciting time. Indeed it is a special day for the bride rather than the flower girl but what she wears will help her feel just that much more special and create memories for a life time. Traditionally and in many cultures yet today, the "little bride" look is desirable for flower girl.
It is usually a full satin gown with plenty of trimming and a frothy veil on her head. However that trend has now disappeared in many modern parishes. Today we're seeing a desire for clean lines and simple styles more in tea length than formal. Many feel that this helps focus the emphasis on the child and the meaning of the day. Sleeveless is also definitely popular in many locations.Light touches of beading are still very popular but it is not as 'standard' as it once was. More modern styles will include lovely dresses with an entirely different silhouette from the standard ballgown style. Selecting the Colors: White or ivory dresses are the most popular (always coordinated with the color of the Bride’s gown). There are many alternatives; consider the following:
A white or ivory dress and add a sash in a color close to the color of the Bride’s Maids dresses. It may be possible to order extra fabric from the company where you order the Bride’s Maids’ dresses to have sashes made up. Or, you can select a similar color from a child’s dress company; matching isn’t often that important.
A white or ivory flower-petal filled dress. Select flower petals in the color of the flowers everyone will carry or the color of the Bride’s Maids’ dresses. It is not necessary to have an exact match. When to Shop It is very important to shop early so you have the widest possible selection.
Start shopping in early October. Shop for her headpiece at the same time - once they are out of stock, they won't be available again this year. This will allow you time to think things through and order any style you want - even with extra dress length if necessary/available and still have time to make alterations before the day she wears it.
When selecting a flower girl dress for your wedding, there are many things to consider - the age and height of the flower girl, wedding colors, dress length, dress style, and so forth. The first step is to know what styles of flower girl dresses are available.
First one should know the roles for “Flower Girls”. There are really three distinct roles for little flower girls in a wedding. Flower Girl – a child attendant wearing a child-like dress in either Tea or Formal length who usually carries either a basket of petals to strew on the aisle or path announcing the arrival of the Bride. Miniature / Jr. Bride – a child dressed like a bride.
This role comes from medieval times as a decoy to lure evil spirits away from the Bride to avoid a curse on the marriage. She may wear a miniaturized version of the Bride’s gown or a edding-style gown complete with train and flowing headpiece. She carries a bouquet. Jr. Brides Maid – older girls certainly prefer this designation. The young ladies are usually dressed to coordinate more with the Brides Maids rather than in a full, fluffy little girl’s dress.
Types of dress: Selecting the right flower girl dress and accessories is an exciting time. Indeed it is a special day for the bride rather than the flower girl but what she wears will help her feel just that much more special and create memories for a life time. Traditionally and in many cultures yet today, the "little bride" look is desirable for flower girl.
It is usually a full satin gown with plenty of trimming and a frothy veil on her head. However that trend has now disappeared in many modern parishes. Today we're seeing a desire for clean lines and simple styles more in tea length than formal. Many feel that this helps focus the emphasis on the child and the meaning of the day. Sleeveless is also definitely popular in many locations.Light touches of beading are still very popular but it is not as 'standard' as it once was. More modern styles will include lovely dresses with an entirely different silhouette from the standard ballgown style. Selecting the Colors: White or ivory dresses are the most popular (always coordinated with the color of the Bride’s gown). There are many alternatives; consider the following:
A white or ivory dress and add a sash in a color close to the color of the Bride’s Maids dresses. It may be possible to order extra fabric from the company where you order the Bride’s Maids’ dresses to have sashes made up. Or, you can select a similar color from a child’s dress company; matching isn’t often that important.
A white or ivory flower-petal filled dress. Select flower petals in the color of the flowers everyone will carry or the color of the Bride’s Maids’ dresses. It is not necessary to have an exact match. When to Shop It is very important to shop early so you have the widest possible selection.
Start shopping in early October. Shop for her headpiece at the same time - once they are out of stock, they won't be available again this year. This will allow you time to think things through and order any style you want - even with extra dress length if necessary/available and still have time to make alterations before the day she wears it.
วันเสาร์ที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551
Flowerwhole Part Industry
The Philippine Flower Industry
The Philippines offers a vast selection of flora to the world. With the fast-paced technology, local horticulturists aid the country’s flower industry to grow even more. This article discusses the Philippines’ flower industry and how it strives to meet the local and international demands.
The Philippine flower industry has gone a long way since cut flowers were its major produce in the 1970s and growers were local hobbyists and plant enthusiasts. During the 1980s the flower industry became more commercialized as it generated huge profits and had lots of potential to earn foreign revenues. The land area of flower farms grew and growers adapted modern techniques and machinery to produce flowers both Filipinos and other people around the world can enjoy. Over the last two decades, growers and enthusiasts realized that the high return on investment, higher standards of living, rapid population growth, and an influx of tourists led to more fickle clients who only want high-standard cut flowers. For a period of nine years (1991 - 2000), fresh cut flowers and buds earned USD 371,281 annually. There was an increase in the domestic market’s demand for cut flowers and it grew to such an extent that the Philippines had no choice but to import flowers like orchids and chrysanthemums to meet the demand - particularly on Valentine’s Day, All Saint’s Day, school graduation months of March and April, and the Christmas season. All sorts of flowers from asters to roses are cultivated throughout the Philippines. Chrysanthemums, sampaguita, and gladiolas are grown in open fields or in the mountains north of Luzon. Roses and gerberas are grown in greenhouses because the structure protects them from the heavy rain and the intense summer heat. Jasmine and sampaguita carry heavy religious connotations and are strung into garlands to be offered to statues in churches. Gardens for these flowers are usually located along roadsides or near churches so the grower has an easier time selling them. Despite innovations and new technology, horticulturists in the Philippine flower industry still face a few constraints and challenges - especially small farmers. For one thing, structures like greenhouses have high costs that they cannot afford. The technology in the country still can’t handle some new varieties of flowers like calla and gerbera. While production technology can be imported, new agricultural chemicals need to be bought along with it. Combined with high import taxes, acquiring these can be very expensive. Even access to credit sources is a problem due to high interest rates on loans. Although the Philippine flower industry is already picking up, horticulturists still encounter problems meeting the local and worldwide demand for cut flowers. These issues need to be addressed so the country can cut down on import costs, and so the businesses of small growers can thrive as well as the big players in the Philippine flower industry. This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Flower Delivery Philippines. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can Deliver Flowers to Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.
The Philippines offers a vast selection of flora to the world. With the fast-paced technology, local horticulturists aid the country’s flower industry to grow even more. This article discusses the Philippines’ flower industry and how it strives to meet the local and international demands.
The Philippine flower industry has gone a long way since cut flowers were its major produce in the 1970s and growers were local hobbyists and plant enthusiasts. During the 1980s the flower industry became more commercialized as it generated huge profits and had lots of potential to earn foreign revenues. The land area of flower farms grew and growers adapted modern techniques and machinery to produce flowers both Filipinos and other people around the world can enjoy. Over the last two decades, growers and enthusiasts realized that the high return on investment, higher standards of living, rapid population growth, and an influx of tourists led to more fickle clients who only want high-standard cut flowers. For a period of nine years (1991 - 2000), fresh cut flowers and buds earned USD 371,281 annually. There was an increase in the domestic market’s demand for cut flowers and it grew to such an extent that the Philippines had no choice but to import flowers like orchids and chrysanthemums to meet the demand - particularly on Valentine’s Day, All Saint’s Day, school graduation months of March and April, and the Christmas season. All sorts of flowers from asters to roses are cultivated throughout the Philippines. Chrysanthemums, sampaguita, and gladiolas are grown in open fields or in the mountains north of Luzon. Roses and gerberas are grown in greenhouses because the structure protects them from the heavy rain and the intense summer heat. Jasmine and sampaguita carry heavy religious connotations and are strung into garlands to be offered to statues in churches. Gardens for these flowers are usually located along roadsides or near churches so the grower has an easier time selling them. Despite innovations and new technology, horticulturists in the Philippine flower industry still face a few constraints and challenges - especially small farmers. For one thing, structures like greenhouses have high costs that they cannot afford. The technology in the country still can’t handle some new varieties of flowers like calla and gerbera. While production technology can be imported, new agricultural chemicals need to be bought along with it. Combined with high import taxes, acquiring these can be very expensive. Even access to credit sources is a problem due to high interest rates on loans. Although the Philippine flower industry is already picking up, horticulturists still encounter problems meeting the local and worldwide demand for cut flowers. These issues need to be addressed so the country can cut down on import costs, and so the businesses of small growers can thrive as well as the big players in the Philippine flower industry. This article was written by Timothy Spencer for Island Rose - Flower Delivery Philippines. We hope you enjoyed this article and encourage you to visit our website. Through Island Rose, you can Deliver Flowers to Philippines or simply browse through our blog for more informative articles.
วันพุธที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551
Rare Flower Found on Site is a Plant, Says Developer
When the sudden appearance of an endangered flower halted a controversial housing project in the heart of California's wine country, the developer, Scott Schellinger, suspected he was the victim of a plant. Now, after calling in experts from the state's fish and game commission, who have backed his findings, he is claiming that the "discovery" of rare and protected Sebastopol meadowfoam on the eight-hectare (20-acre) site near San Francisco was the work of opponents who transplanted the flowers from elsewhere. "It looked like a bad toupee," claimed one botanist, who observed the small, white flowers - latin name Limnanthes vinculans - growing through clods of "alien" soil. The row has escalated into a scandal known as Foamgate. The controversy has parallels with the Tom Sharpe farce Blott on the Landscape, in which opponents of a motorway project employ a variety of ruses to stop construction. But the residents of Sebastopol, a town of 7,800 environmentally conscious residents in the centre of Sonoma county's grape and apple growing region, deny wrongdoing. Bob Evans, a retired grammar school teacher and leading campaigner against the $70m (£38m) development, says he had come across the meadowfoam while walking his dog. "It's our job to protect endangered species," he said. "I didn't plant it. No one planted it. It's clearly a natural plant that grew there because that's where it belongs." But Mr Schellinger insists the reappearance of the bowl-shaped blooms is evidence that his opponents are desperate. "The people who planted it mistakenly believed that it would be the silver bullet that killed the project," he said. Sebastopol's council has ordered the parties to mediation to try to find a compromise that could include a scaled-down development. And the state has ordered that the plants be removed after deciding they were deliberately introduced. "They didn't belong there. It was appropriate to remove them," said Eric Larson, a regional manager of the California fish and game commission. But Mr Evans said an official from the California Native Plant Society and a professor of biology at Sonoma State University had visited the site and agreed the meadowfoam could not have been transplanted.
When the sudden appearance of an endangered flower halted a controversial housing project in the heart of California's wine country, the developer, Scott Schellinger, suspected he was the victim of a plant. Now, after calling in experts from the state's fish and game commission, who have backed his findings, he is claiming that the "discovery" of rare and protected Sebastopol meadowfoam on the eight-hectare (20-acre) site near San Francisco was the work of opponents who transplanted the flowers from elsewhere. "It looked like a bad toupee," claimed one botanist, who observed the small, white flowers - latin name Limnanthes vinculans - growing through clods of "alien" soil. The row has escalated into a scandal known as Foamgate. The controversy has parallels with the Tom Sharpe farce Blott on the Landscape, in which opponents of a motorway project employ a variety of ruses to stop construction. But the residents of Sebastopol, a town of 7,800 environmentally conscious residents in the centre of Sonoma county's grape and apple growing region, deny wrongdoing. Bob Evans, a retired grammar school teacher and leading campaigner against the $70m (£38m) development, says he had come across the meadowfoam while walking his dog. "It's our job to protect endangered species," he said. "I didn't plant it. No one planted it. It's clearly a natural plant that grew there because that's where it belongs." But Mr Schellinger insists the reappearance of the bowl-shaped blooms is evidence that his opponents are desperate. "The people who planted it mistakenly believed that it would be the silver bullet that killed the project," he said. Sebastopol's council has ordered the parties to mediation to try to find a compromise that could include a scaled-down development. And the state has ordered that the plants be removed after deciding they were deliberately introduced. "They didn't belong there. It was appropriate to remove them," said Eric Larson, a regional manager of the California fish and game commission. But Mr Evans said an official from the California Native Plant Society and a professor of biology at Sonoma State University had visited the site and agreed the meadowfoam could not have been transplanted.
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